To Managers / Coaches regarding Scheduling:
This is going to all of the team managers for the Cottage Grove youth teams, or the head coaches if I don’t know the team managers’ email addresses. If you are a head- coach, please forward this to your manager(s).
Just a quick email to introduce myself and cover a few things with you regarding referee scheduling. I am the referee scheduler for Cottage Grove youth games. Basically anytime your team hosts a game of any kind (League, Scrimmage, or Tournament), I should be contacted to arrange for the officials.
I have access to the League schedules so you don’t need to tell me about them. I really just need to know about the Scrimmages. I ask that you give me as much notice about the scrimmage as possible. I realize sometimes they come up with short notice, but the more notice you give me, the better the chance of me putting officials on the game.
All requests for officials need to be sent via email. This is for everyone’s protection so we have a paper trail. You can certainly call me about anything, however we’ll still need the email request so we’re both covered.
For league games the officials will be paid by District 8. This means Scrimmages will need to be paid at the rink. Please bring cash or a check to the rink for the officials for all scrimmages. Rates are listed below.
Referee Coordinator
Phone: 651.600.1080
Level | Total Cost | Cost per Ref |
Squirts | $ 64.00 | $32.00 (x2) |
Peewee A/B | $ 68.00 | $34.00 (x2) |
Peewee C | $ 66.00 | $33.00 (x2) |
Bantam A/B/C (1.25 hour) | $ 86.00 | $43.00 (x2) |
Girls 10U A/B | $ 64.00 | $32.00 (x2) |
Girls 12U A/B | $ 68.00 | $34.00 (x2) |
Girls 14U A/B (1.25 hour) | $ 86.00 | $43.00 (x2) |
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc… please don’t hesitate to call or email. I look forward to seeing you all at the rink and I hope you and the players have a great, fun season.
Mike Forys
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