General Info:

  • Picture Makeup: The picture makeup day scheduled for 11/23/2020 is postponed to a date to be determined.  Pictures for those who have already taken them will be postponed from delivery as a result so that we can work to ensure all teams, coaches and players have had an opportunity to get their photo taken.  More info to come on this.
  • Board Meeting(s): The December General Membership Board meeting is now cancelled/delayed to a later date.  Due to its timing on December 7th and expected more info to come the following week around re-open or further delay the board has pushed back this meeting until further notice.  
  • Facilities: All facilities in all capacities are CLOSED to CGHA teams at this time.  Cottage Grove Ice Arena, Wolfpack Performance Center (Dryland Facility), Outdoor rinks, out of state ice.  If and when outdoor ice opens, be sure to follow the rules from MN Hockey that require 6 feet of distancing between members of different households when using outdoor rinks or other ice surfaces.